Tuesday, September 7, 2010

thanks everyone

for all of the prayer and good wishes. We are in a waiting week to see if Sophie can heal up enough to expand. Her cheek expander failed, so replacing that will depend on the ability of the scalp to withstand stretching. Either way we are looking at surgery in the near future.

She is in good spirits and energy despite this, which is fab. She is more and more awareness of this whole mess and it has become part of her daily consciousness, due to her high IQ :)

We go back Friday and will have a gameplan then. We will attempt to get back to the cute pictures and fun stuff sooner rather than later! We have some good ones of her from Labor day weekend we'll get up when we get a minute.

1 comment:

  1. Last thing I check every night before I go to sleep. Can't get enough of that cutie! Love mimi
