Tuesday, July 13, 2010

T minus 2 weeks

We have been having such a good time this summer. It seems so weird that surgery is a short two weeks away! I am a lot calmer that before the first round of expanders, but I think my subconscious may be disagreeing with my conscious on that point! Positives are that we have been through this process and know what to expect. Sophie has never had any life threatening complications and we have to pray that things stay that way.

She is so much more aware now, and I need a child development specialist to tell me how much to tell her. I hate blindsiding her with a trip to the OR,  but she is too young to comprehend something that will happen in the future, and we don't want her to feel anxious. The kennel and the hotel reservations are made, and tomorrow is her day in daycare, to hopefully avoid any rogue germs.

Two weekends left, and the plan is to get as dirty as possible playing in the woods, and swimming!


  1. and... hang out with her Aunties!!!

  2. well maybe if you don't blow us off all the time, and can leave your house

  3. we're in the home stretch now!
