Thursday, December 3, 2009

one handed blogging

The fact that I am blogging one handed means sophie is holding my other hand, and we are on the way home!!

The forehead expander and port were replaced, an 48 mL of saline were added. No infections going in, let us hope it stays that way.

We are all pooped but together, ang nothing beats the feeling of taking your baby home.

Thanks to all for the prayers and good wishes, it helps to know we have support.  Now here is to an uneventful 86 days till these suckers come out.


  1. That's wonderful! 86 days is no longer than summer break-much easier to handle when you can do a count-down. Prayed for you all day yesterday, glad it went so well.

  2. welcome back home Sophie-bear!!! hope to see you soon!!
    Auntie Kim
